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Persona 3 Reload - WikipediaEpisode Aigis had been getting mixed reception before its release due to the DLC being a separate purchase, and Atlus has been widely criticized for using such cash grab practices. 83 84
QR code - WikipediaWhereas a barcode is a machine-readable optical image that contains information specific to the labeled item, the QR code contains the data for a locator, an identifier, and web-tracking. To store data efficiently, QR co
参照 (書誌学) - Wikipedia本文中に短剣符「 」や肩番「1)」を置き、各ページの下部に脚注欄を設け、そこに書誌情報を全て記載する。この方式を用いる投稿規定としてはMLAが挙げられる 7 。
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PaintShop Pro - WikipediaThe X-numbered editions have been sold in two versions: PaintShop Pro, which is the basic editing program, and PaintShop Pro Ultimate, which bundles in other standalone programs, additional artistic tools and/or plugins.
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